Flash Mystery of the Week – March 14

The Interview Reading time: 1 1/2 minutes The receptionist squeezed the last bite of pepperoni pizza between her lips. She looked up when the office door swooshed open. Recognized him instantly. “Chuckles!” She covered her mouth with her hand. “Come in.” The man looked down at his chest. “Am I wearing a name tag? How […]

Book Review: Gutshot Straight by Lou Berney

Reading time: 1  minute Elmore Leonard fans who miss his work might be happy to turn the pages of Lou Berney’s debut crime caper, Gutshot Straight. I write from experience, of course. I’d enjoy a seven-course meal of Elmore Leonard novels with a short story (3:10 to Yuma anyone?) for dessert. Berney took advantage of the […]