Six-word stories

Reading time: 2 minutes

I’ll be brief. But twice as long as that.

HemingwayI’ve been absent as I finished a massive edit to my work in progress. Now, I begin my search for a couple beta readers. Meantime, back to the present.

I mentioned more than a few times that my theme for the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Six-sentence stories – was in homage to Ernest Hemingway, who gets credit for writing the first six-word story. He allegedly called it his greatest work. And maybe it’s all hyperbole, but I’m not here to argue that. I’m here to bring you more magical six-word stories like Hemingway’s.

For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

In time, it became somewhat of a fashion statement to craft a six-word story. Some fantastic writers have taken a good shot at the art. Here are a few favorites, including one from my current work in progress.

Streets full of water. Please advise.

  • Robert Benchley, upon his first visit to Venice. (Humorist)

Found true love. Married someone else.

  • Dave Eggers (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius)

I asked. They answered. I wrote.

  • Sebastian Junger (Perfect Storm)

Automobile warranty expires. So does engine.

  • Stan Lee (creator of Spider-Man, et al)

Longed for him. Got him. Shit.

  • Margaret Atwood (Poisonwood Bible)

The baby’s blood type? Human, mostly.

  • Orson Scott Card (Ender’s Game)

Easy. Just touch the match to

  • Ursula K. LeGuin (Sci fi legend)

And one of my own…

Sometimes I still make two cups.

  • Gloria Newman, character in my WIP


Come back tomorrow for a flash fiction piece that revolves around the six-word story. It was a contest finalist.

5 thoughts on “Six-word stories

  1. Automobile expires. LOL. What about the expresso machine? Funny how these machines time their demise.

    If your interested, I’ll beta. I might be harsher this time around. Seeing how you never questioned any of the notes I left.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for a very pleasurable two minutes. 🙂 Now I have an urge to compose some six-word masterpieces of my own. (Okay, maybe not *masterpieces*…)
    The “baby shoes” piece is an old favorite. I like its mysterious history, as well; somehow, it adds volume to its minimalism.


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